La Monnaie / De Munt La Monnaie
De Munt
Behind the scenes
In the wings of the opera
Pieter Claes

Costume Workshops

Haberdashery & Fabric Stock

Workshops, 5th floor

Cotton, fake fur, wool, lace, velvet, leather, tulle, etc. The materials for a costume are selected for both their aesthetic and technical characteristics.  

Pieter Claes

Which fabric is fire resistant? Which one best withstands fake blood or wine stains? Which will allow the singers to move around onstage with natural ease and ensure their mobility while performing? Which one will produce the best effect under the spotlights... Choosing a material requires a multitude of factors to be taken into account. It is a whole job in itself! 

Pieter Claes

Gamarelli fabric samples for the dresses for Bastarda (2023) 

Thibaut Laurent


Path Costumes
next Dyeing