La Monnaie / De Munt La Monnaie
De Munt
Behind the scenes
In the wings of the opera

Technical rooms


Workshops and Theatre, -1

Sets, props, and costumes are transported directly from the Workshops to the Stage through this tunnel. 

The 6m wide and 14m long tunnel also serves as a storage space, thus compensating for the lack of space available in the narrow scene docks. The sets can be left there during productions with numerous set changes. 

Construction work in the tunnel

Before the construction of the tunnel (in 2019), the sets were transported by truck from one building to the other. The new passage thus saves both time and energy. 

Excavation during construction work in the tunnel

When the excavation of the tunnel first began in 2018, the remains of walls and graves were found. The works had to skirt around a former church, part of a Dominican convent established in 1463. The hotel next door to the Workshops is named after it (The Dominican). 


Path Scenery
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