La Monnaie / De Munt La Monnaie
De Munt
Behind the scenes
In the wings of the opera
Base design

Offices and Library

Artistic planning office


About three years before a show's premiere, the general management decides on the operas to stage. La Monnaie plans its seasons on an "a stagioneA stagione - from the Italian for "season," refers to a seasonal management system in which an opera house programs around ten operas that are each performed several times consecutively. This system contrasts with the repertory system. In the stagione approach, soloists and artistic teams are engaged for specific productions. " basis.

The next step is to find singers whose vocal qualities fit the roles within the selected operas, considering also the roles' other demands. CastingCast - The singers selected to play the various parts in an opera.  an opera mirrors the process used in film casting.

Some singers may already be acquainted with their roles from performances elsewhere, while others might be engaging with both the part and La Monnaie for the first time.

SoloistsSoloists - The artists who sing or play a part alone, or who sing a solo in an opera. are hired for specific operas, whereas the choristers, who are part of the ChœursChoir - An ensemble of singers who perform a work collectively. de la Monnaie, participate in all the season's performances that require a choir.


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